Jack Andolina, Bright Line Watch presentation on the health of U.S. democracy
Jack Andolina, a post-baccalaureate fellow in the Program in QSS and a Bright Line Watch researcher, gave a presentation on February 18.
[more]Jack Andolina, a post-baccalaureate fellow in the Program in QSS and a Bright Line Watch researcher, gave a presentation on February 18.
[more]The title of Professor Fowler's talk was, "What we know and don't know about eligible and registered voters in the U.S.: Population, Age, and Race in Census surveys and L2 Voter Roll Data."
[more]A fourth-year Dartmouth student majoring in QSS has been awarded a prestigious Rangel Graduate Fellowship.
[more]Claudia Olivetti, Professor of Economics and a member of the Steering Committee of the Program in QSS, was recently featured on the Dartmouth Faculty of Arts and Sciences news page in an article titled, Bridging the Gender Wage Gap.
[more]From Saturday, November 16, to Tuesday, November 19, in Durham, North Carolina, three talented undergraduates—two from Dartmouth and one from UMass Amherst—participated in the SportsMEDIA Technology (SMT) DATA Challenge Finalist VIP Weekend. The team included Atul Venkatesh '27, a Quantitative Social Science (QSS) major and Head of Research at Dartmouth Sports Analytics; Levon Sarian '27, a Computer Science major from Dartmouth; and Ishan Kinikar '27, a Computer Science major studying at UMass Amherst.