Inclusion at QSS

The Program in Quantitative Social Science at Dartmouth is committed to providing an academic space that is diverse and inclusive. Below you will find papers and books, written by QSS faculty, that promote these values.

Professor Yusaku Horiuchi

  • "Disfavor or Favor? Assessing the Valence of White Americans' Racial Attitudes (with Alexander Agadjanian, John Carey, and Timothy Ryan). Quarterly Journal of Political Science, forthcoming. [SSRN]
  • "Do Identity Frames Impact Support for Multiracial Candidates? The Case of Kamala Harris" (with Katherine Clayton and Charles Crabtree). Journal of Experimental Political Science, forthcoming. [SSRN] [DOI] [Replication Package]
  • "Student Attitudes Toward Campus Diversity at the United States Naval Academy: Evidence from Conjoint Survey Experiments" (with John Polga-Hecimovich and John Carey). Armed Forces & Society, Vol. 47, Issue 2, pp. 386-409, April 2021. [SSRN] [DOI] [Replication Package]

Professor Brendan Nyhan