QSS 20 student presentations in Winter 2023

On March 6, 2023, students in QSS 20, Modern Statistical Computing, a core class in the Program in Quantitative Social Science, presented their final projects. Each group of students in the course selected a data source to investigate, developed a focused research question, and carried out a scientific analysis that applied the programming skills developed through a quarter of dynamic, hands-on learning.

These are the student groups and their research topics:


Student Names

SIP: Medical training

Emma Elsbecker

Sabin Hart

Alexandra Ma

Spencer Allen

SIP: Medical training

Akshay Kelshiker

Shawn Yoon

Jeremy Rodriguez

Edgar Ozuzun


Mei Xu

Chloe Terestchenko

John D'avanzo

Ryan Wu


Aimen Abdulaziz

Bernardo  Burnes Garza

Esmeralda Abreu-Jerez

Charles Knight


Leyla Jacoby

Jessica Wang

Isabel Pantle

Keren Luo

Independent project: Undergraduate religiosity @ Dartmouth

William Bryant

Independent project: Education finance

Alexander Craig

Aaron Xie

Felony sentencing data

Samson ODonnell

Samuel Winchester

Adin McAuliffe

Jordan Miller

SIP: Social Impact Practicum
SIRS: START Information Reporting System