My MSS degree has been invaluable my entire career. After programming computers for a few years I got an MBA and moved into finance. I did a stint as a CPA in public accounting and then became a CFO for several years. 10 years ago I completed an PhD in Business and now I have appointments at Geisel School of Medicine and the Tuck School of Business where I teach healthcare finance and am the Faculty Director of Dartmouth’s Masters in Healthcare Delivery Science (MHCDS) program. I also teach in the management and the strategy courses.
Throughout my career the ability to think about, frame, and communicate complex systems with quantitative tools has been a major theme and an extremely valuable skill.
I am very fortunate to have chosen a degree that has allowed me to continually re-invent myself in ways that are relevant to society’s vexing problems. I give a lot of credit to my undergraduate degree. What a treat to have been the beneficiary of such fine, foundational teaching and such caring faculty. (10/2014)