Jaren Haber joins QSS as a post-doctoral fellow

The Program in Quantitative Social Science welcomes Dr. Jaren Haber, who is joining QSS at Dartmouth College as a Postdoctoral Scholar and Lecturer. Dr. Haber develops open-access, reproducible computational methods to study how organizational contexts, social categories, and media segmentation shape the impacts of structural inequalities. He has published research on charter school identities and their consequences for stratification, misinformation in the media during the 2020 election, and automated text analysis of organizational theories in scholarly journals (see this preprint and more recent workflow guide). Dr. Haber's ongoing work in policy-oriented data science includes a survey experiment on parents' perceptions of charter school quality, scraping online obituaries to model trends in mortality during the pandemic, and using social media to identify COVID-related misinformation and model gun ownership. Dr. Haber taught sociology courses and led numerous data science workshops, institutes, and working groups (including GUITAR and BAY-SICSS), with emphases on web-scraping and text data (see his other code or talks and trainings). Dr. Haber received his PhD in Sociology from the University of California, Berkeley in 2020.

In Fall 2022, Dr. Haber is teaching a QSS course, Modern Statistical Computing (QSS 20). This class will build upon the introductory programming course required of QSS Major and Minors, helping students to attain computing literacy so that they can conduct social science research in the age of big data.